About Us

Our Vision

Our long-term aim is to introduce to the world the Asian culture and identity with traditional products that have been adapted to suit the modern and contemporary lifestyle.

This benefits everyone because by doing so, the Asian culture and identity will be preserved and made known while the natives and talented artisans will have increased job opportunities and ultimately, are able to provide for their families by doing what they love and good at.

Centuries’ Tradition, Today’s Lifestyle

There’s a reason why old practices are still acknowledged: Simply because they work! Asian Secrets’ number one forte is to explore centuries-old traditional practices and treasured gems, and adopt them to suit our modern lifestyles.

Our five main areas of expertise are: Batik, Natural Herbs, Natural Dye, Seashells, and Nature Craft.

Local products sourced directly by local people

No matter where you are, there are only two handlers between you and the products: Us and the native producers. Since we are the locals who are aptly knowledgeable about our own traditions and cultures, we have the innate ability to source directly from the producers at great values without compromising their remunerations. The results are outstanding; you pay less while the native producers earn more. It’s a win-win situation!

100% authentic and handmade

Imperfection by hand itself is beauty in its natural sense. From stage zero all the way to your doorstep, our products go through creative and compassionate hands, without any interference from cranky machines. Ultimately, your every cent is invested on something worthy, original, and authentic.

Unique and rare collectibles

Our products are one-of-a-kind AND durable, a result only achieved through skillful handicrafts, quality resources, and limited productions. Treasures like these usually appreciate in value over time.

Sustainable design for all

Green living is something that we take into account seriously. We believe in all things natural; that way we create less carbon footprint and more love for our mother nature. Every single step of the journey has eco-friendly stamped all over.

Get healthy, naturally.

Ever wonder why there are no hospitals in the jungle? That is because the natives don’t need any. For hundreds of centuries, they have been living healthily without the help of modern (and sometimes deceiving) medications. Nature contains herbs with thousands of remedies in them. We practically have them all plucked, packed, and delivered it to you all-natural style.

Enriching lives with secrets of Asia

Every product has a meaningful story to tell. Part of our mission is to provide interesting ways of making centuries-old traditional items and practices the talk of people. Old tales, unraveled tips, and secret recipe teas (among other traditional things) are interesting conversation piece that helps to enliven your personality and broaden your social circle and impress others of your depth and breath.

Personalized. Customized. Made-to-order.

Years of doing great business have created a special relationship between us and our native producers. Thus, we are able to provide special product customization whenever there is a need for it.