Rahsia Herbal Natural Remedy Solution for Joint Pain and Stiffness (15 Teabags)



Traditional Asian Herbal Remedy for Joint Pain and Stiffness

Solution: Natural Herbs for Joint Pain and Stiffness

Purposes: To help relieving joint pain and stiffness

Ingredients: Curcuma Rhizoma •Zingiberis Aromatica Rhizoma (Halia Wangi) •Androgaphidis Herba (Hempedu Bumi) •Orthosiphonis Folium (Misai Kucing) •Leucas Lavandulifolia Folium (Ketumbak) •Zingiberis Rhizoma(Halia) •Retrofracti Fructus (Cabai Jawa) •Piperis Nigri Fructus (Lada Hitam) •Foeniculi Fructus(Adas)

Direction of Use:

  1. Place a teabag into cup of hot water.
  2. Infuse the teabag for 20 minutes and it is ready to be served.
  3. Drink a cup of herbal tea in the morning, afternoon and night everyday to maintain and improve your health.

Nett Weight = 30 grams

Total Weight =50 grams


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