Arthritis disease affect your joints tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Among them are many types of arthritis, a term used for conditions that affect your joints. Sometimes they’re called musculoskeletal diseases. Rahsia Herbal Natural Remedy Solution for Arthritis & Muscle Pain is a good options to reduce the effect of arthritis.
Help to relive arthritis, muscle pain and stiffness
Curcuma Domestica Rhizoma (Kunyit), Curcuma Rhizoma, Androgaphidis Herba (Hempedu Bumi), Orthosiphonis Folium (Misai Kucing), Alstonia Cortex (Pokok Pulai), Zingiberis Rhizoma (Halia), Eugenia Polyantha Folium (Daun Salam/Salem), Retrofracti Fructus (Cabai Jawa), Caryophylli Flos (Bunga Cengkih)
Recommendations for best effect
Avoid high-fat food, alcohol and heavy works
Direction of Use
1. Place a teabag into cup of hot water.
2. Infuse the teabag for 20 minutes and it is ready to be served.
3. Drink a cup of herbal tea in the morning, afternoon and night everyday to maintain and improve your health.
Nett Weight = 30 grams
Total Weight = 50 grams
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