Kacip Fatimah which refers to “Fatimah’s betel scissors” is the female version of Tongkat Ali which is also well known for its aphrodisiac properties. Another folk name for it is “Selusuh Fatimah” which translates to “Fatimah’s childbirth medicine”. The scientific name of Kacip Fatimah is Labisia Pumila.
Kacip Fatimah is a flowering plant of the Myrsinaceae family. It is a small woody and leafy plant that can be found widely in the shade of forest floors. They can be found in Indochina, Thailand and throughout Malaysia. It grows wildly in the Malaysian rainforest about 80-100m above sea level.
Kacip Fatimah is rich in phytoestrogens and can regulate the physiology of women effectively. On the other hand, it is well known for its aphrodisiac affect on women, increasing a women’s libido. Nevertheless it has other medicinal uses to strengthen, rejuvenate and improve one’s health as well as medical ability to treat certain illnesses.
3 different varieties of Labisia Pumila identified which are:
- Labisia pimila var.alata
- Var.pumila
- Var.lanceolate.
Consumptions Methods:
1) Place a tea bag into a cup of hot water.
2) Let the bag to sit in the cup for 20 minutes and it is ready to be served.
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